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Conversation Partner 2015 Fall [イベント情報]

Conversation Partner 2015 FALL




・ 実施期間:10月26日(月)~1月8日(金)
・ 場所:基本自由(最初だけは日吉、三田キャンパスのどちらかで会ってもらいます)
・ 時間:月曜日から土曜日の1時限~放課後まで都合のよい時を選択して頂きます。






This is for Japanese students only. International students are required to use the application form below.

※ 申し込みに際しては上記事項によく目を通し、カンバセーションパートナー活動の主旨とスケジュール等、すべてを把握した上で行なうようにお願い致します。活動の主旨にそぐわない動機からの応募であると判断した場合、活動へのご参加をご辞退いただくようお願いする事もございます。

☆Conversation Partner Kick-Off Party


パートナーとの顔合わせ、これからの方針を顔を合わせて相談するための機会、キックオフ会を各々の活動に先駆けて10月23日(金)に日吉キャンパスで開催致します。 パートナーと確実に会い、これからの方針を決めていく重要な機会となりますので、原則的にご参加戴くようお願い致します。いらっしゃられない場合は、パートナーにその旨確実に事前伝達を行うよう、お願い致します。









Conversation Partner 2015  FALL

The purpose of Conversation Partner is to help international students improve their Japanese skills (especially in speaking) through daily conversations with the students of Keio once a week.

Reading a textbook is surely important. But don’t you want to make some close Japanese friends and know the “real” Japanese they are using everyday?

Those international students taking part in Conversation Partner are not only having fun but also doing well in class since they have more opportunities to talk with native speakers.

So why don’t you join us and make your life in Japan a truly fulfilling experience? We are all waiting for your participation!!

Application period:5th Oct (Saturday) –14th Oct (Friday)
We can’t accept any applications nor modifications after the application period expires. We suggest you should submit your application with enough leeway.

Conversation Partner Program starts on 26th Oct and ends on 8th Jan.

Application form for international students :

This is for international students only. Japanese students are required to use the application form above.


We’ll hold a party called Kick-off party. This is a small party to let you know your partners you begin the conversation activity. We hope you will attend the meeting.

Details for Kick-off party:

Date: 23th Oct (Friday)

Place: Fourth Building Independence Wing (Dokuritsu-kan) in Hiyoshi campus, B1, Communication Lounge

This party is admission-free.

((Frequently Asked Questions))

Q. How can I make an application for Conversation Partner?

A. Please sign up for this program from the homepage of KOSMIC ( You can submit your application through that website using the application form.There are two application forms; for international students and for Japanese students. Please do not confuse them.

 Q. When and where do we have the Conversation Partner meetings?

A. Conversation Partner is held either in Mita or Hiyoshi. You can choose the place, date and time of the meetings. Please write it in the application form.

Q. How many people are in a group?

A. One group usually includes two international students and two Japanese students.

If you have any questions about Conversation partner or Kick-off party, please feel free to ask us at

Thank you.

Sorry, we misswritten about dates of application period of application form.
× May 2th(Sat)~May 8th(Fri)
◎ October 5th(Mon)~14th(Wed)

× start from May 18th(Mon) to July 18th(Sat)
◎ start from October 26th(Mon) to January 8th(Fri)


Conversation Partner 2015 Spring [イベント情報]

Conversation Partner 2015 Spring 




・ 実施期間:5月18日(月)~7月18日(土)
・ 場所:基本自由(最初だけは日吉、三田キャンパスのどちらかで会ってもらいます)
・ 時間:月曜日から土曜日の1時限~放課後まで都合のよい時を選択して頂きます。






This is for Japanese students only. International students are required to use the application form below.

※ 申し込みに際しては上記事項によく目を通し、カンバセーションパートナー活動の主旨とスケジュール等、すべてを把握した上で行なうようにお願い致します。活動の主旨にそぐわない動機からの応募であると判断した場合、活動へのご参加をご辞退いただくようお願いする事もございます。

☆Conversation Partner Kick-Off Party


パートナーとの顔合わせ、これからの方針を顔を合わせて相談するための機会、キックオフ会を各々の活動に先駆けて5月15日(金)に日吉キャンパスで開催致します。 パートナーと確実に会い、これからの方針を決めていく重要な機会となりますので、原則的にご参加戴くようお願い致します。いらっしゃられない場合は、パートナーにその旨確実に事前伝達を行うよう、お願い致します。







Conversation Partner 2015  Spring

The purpose of Conversation Partner is to help international students improve their Japanese skills (especially in speaking) through daily conversations with the students of Keio once a week.

Reading a textbook is surely important. But don’t you want to make some close Japanese friends and know the “real” Japanese they are using everyday?

Those international students taking part in Conversation Partner are not only having fun but also doing well in class since they have more opportunities to talk with native speakers.

So why don’t you join us and make your life in Japan a truly fulfilling experience? We are all waiting for your participation!!

Application period:2nd May (Saturday) –8th May (Friday)
We can’t accept any applications nor modifications after the application period expires. We suggest you should submit your application with enough leeway.

Conversation Partner Program starts on 18th May and ends on 18th July.

Application form for international students :

This is for international students only. Japanese students are required to use the application form above.


We’ll hold a party called Kick-off party. This is a small party to let you know your partners you begin the conversation activity. We hope you will attend the meeting.

Details for Kick-off party:

Date: 15th May (Friday)

Place: Fourth Building Independence Wing (Dokuritsu-kan) in Hiyoshi campus, B1, Communication Lounge

This party is admission-free.

((Frequently Asked Questions))

Q. How can I make an application for Conversation Partner?

A. Please sign up for this program from the homepage of KOSMIC ( You can submit your application through that website using the application form.There are two application forms; for international students and for Japanese students. Please do not confuse them.

 Q. When and where do we have the Conversation Partner meetings?

A. Conversation Partner is held either in Mita or Hiyoshi. You can choose the place, date and time of the meetings. Please write it in the application form.

Q. How many people are in a group?

A. One group usually includes two international students and two Japanese students.

If you have any questions about Conversation partner or Kick-off party, please feel free to ask us at

Thank you.



Conversation Partner 2014 Spring [イベント情報]

Conversation Partner 2014 Spring 


We have just closed signing up for the conversation partner 2014 Spring.





・ 実施期間:5月19日()719()
・ 場所:基本自由(最初だけは日吉、三田キャンパスのどちらかで会ってもらいます)

・ 時間:月曜日から土曜日の1時限~放課後まで都合のよい時を選択して頂きます。



・申込期間:5月3日(土)〜5月9日(金) 終了しました




This is for Japanese students only. International students are required to use the application form below.


Conversation Partner Kick-Off Party


パートナーとの顔合わせ、これからの方針を顔を合わせて相談するための機会、キックオフ会を各々の活動に先駆けて516日(金)に日吉キャンパスで開催致します。 パートナーと確実に会い、これからの方針を決めていく重要な機会となりますので、原則的にご参加戴くようお願い致します。いらっしゃられない場合は、パートナーにその旨確実に事前伝達を行うよう、お願い致します。







Conversation Partner 2013 Spring

The purpose of Conversation Partner is to help international students improve their Japanese skills (especially in speaking) through daily conversations with the students of Keio once a week.

Reading a textbook is surely important. But don’t you want to make some close Japanese friends and know the “real” Japanese they are using everyday?

Those international students taking part in Conversation Partner are not only having fun but also doing well in class since they have more opportunities to talk with native speakers.

So why don’t you join us and make your life in Japan a truly fulfilling experience? We are all waiting for your participation!!

Application period: 3th May (Saturday) – 9th May (Friday) The application deadline has expired.

We can’t accept any applications nor modifications after the application period expires. We suggest you should submit your application with enough leeway.

Conversation Partner Program starts on 19th May and ends on 19th July.

Application form for international students :

This is for international students only. Japanese students are required to use the application form above.


We’ll hold a party called Kick-off party. This is a small party to let you know your partners you begin the conversation activity. We hope you will attend the meeting.

Details for Kick-off party:

Date: 16th May (Friday)

Place: Fourth Building Independence Wing (Dokuritsu-kan) in Hiyoshi campus, B1, Communication Lounge

This party is admission-free.

((Frequently Asked Questions))

Q. How can I make an application for Conversation Partner?

A. Please sign up for this program from the homepage of KOSMIC ( You can submit your application through that website using the application form.There are two application forms; for international students and for Japanese students. Please do not confuse them.

 Q. When and where do we have the Conversation Partner meetings?

A. Conversation Partner is held either in Mita or Hiyoshi. You can choose the place, date and time of the meetings. Please write it in the application form.

Q. How many people are in a group?

A. One group usually includes two international students and two Japanese students.

If you have any questions about Conversation partner or Kick-off party, please feel free to ask us at

Thank you.


第29回 留学生による日本語スピーチコンテスト [イベント情報]


私たち国際センター塾生機構 KOSMICが毎年開催している行事です。慶應義塾大学に留学してきている留学生にスピーチの機会をもってもらうことで、日頃の日本語学習の成果を発表する場および、日本語能力のさらなる発展の場としてもらうことを目的としています。    

日時: 2013年12月7日 13:00~17:00(12:30受付開始)

場所: 三田演説館(三田キャンパス内東京都重要文化財)



「My Vision for the Future ~日本と私のこれから~」

上記が今年のスピーチコンテストのテーマです。 留学生の方には、このテーマに沿ったスピーチを作成していただいております。


13 :00 開会の式
13 :20 初中級部門  スピーチ
13 :40 上級部門 スピーチ  前半の部
14 :30 休憩 10 分
14 :40 上級部門 スピーチ 後半の部
15 :50 休憩 20 分
16 :10 ショー トムービー
16 :15 表彰式
16 :30 講評
16 :40 閉会式
17:00  懇親

Conversation Partner 2013 Fall for international students [イベント情報]

Conversation Partner 2013 Fall

We have just closed signing up for the conversation partner 2013 Fall.

The purpose of Conversation Partner is to help international students improve their Japanese skills (especially in speaking) through daily conversations with the students of Keio once a week.

Reading a textbook is surely important. But don’t you want to make some close Japanese friends and know the “real”Japanese they are using everyday?

Those international students taking part in Conversation Partner are not only having fun but also doing well in class since they have more opportunities to talk with native speakers.

So why don’t you join us and make your life in Japan a truly fulfilling experience? We are all waiting for your participation!!

Application period: 11th October (Friday) – 21st October (Monday)

We can’t accept any applications nor modifications after the application period expires. We suggest you should submit your application with enough leeway.

Conversation Partner Program starts on 28th October and ends on 11th January.

Application form for international students:

 This is for international students. Japanese students are required to use the application form for Japanese students. Please see above.

We expect you not to name QUITE particular date or member in making an application.


We’ll hold a party called Kick-off party. This is a small party to let you know your partners you begin the conversation activity. We hope you will attend the meeting.

Details for Kick-off party:

Date: 25th October (Friday)

Place: Fourth Building Independence Wing (Dokuritsu-kan) in Hiyoshi campus, B1, Communication Lounge

This party is admission-free.


((Frequently Asked Questions))

Q. How can I make an application for Conversation Partner?

A. Please sign up for this program from the homepage of KOSMIC ( You can submit your application through that website using the application form. There are two application forms; for international students and for Japanese students. Please do not confuse them.

 Q. When and where do we have the Conversation Partner meetings?

A. Conversation Partner is held either in Mita or Hiyoshi. You can choose the place, date and time of the meetings. Please write it in the application form.

Q. How many people are in a group?

A. One group usually includes two international students and two Japanese students.


If you have any questions about Conversation partner or Kick-off party, please feel free to ask us at

Thank you.

前の5件 | - イベント情報 ブログトップ
